Tutorial Chapter 10: Localization / Example: Localization |
The program module opens the form containing Localized Strings. The program module also contains Localized Strings for messages to be displayed.
01 SCHEMA custdemo 02 03 MAIN 04 CONNECT TO "custdemo" 05 CLOSE WINDOW SCREEN 06 OPEN WINDOW w1 WITH FORM "stringform" 07 MESSAGE %"customer.msg" 08 MENU %"customer.menu" 09 ON ACTION query 10 CALL query_cust() 11 ON ACTION exit 12 EXIT MENU 13 END MENU 14 CLOSE WINDOW w1 15 DISCONNECT CURRENT 16 END MAIN 17 18 FUNCTION query_cust() -- displays one row 19 DEFINE l_custrec RECORD 20 store_num LIKE customer.store_num, 21 store_name LIKE customer.store_name, 22 city LIKE customer.city 23 END RECORD, 24 msg STRING 25 26 WHENEVER ERROR CONTINUE 27 SELECT store_num, store_name, city 28 INTO l_custrec.* 29 FROM customer 30 WHERE store_num = 101 31 WHENEVER ERROR STOP 32 33 IF SQLCA.SQLCODE = 0 THEN 34 LET msg = SFMT( %"customer.valid", 35 l_custrec.store_num ) 36 MESSAGE msg 37 DISPAY BY NAME l_custrec.* 38 ELSE 39 MESSAGE %"customer.notfound" 40 END IF 41 42 END FUNCTION
These strings will be replaced at runtime.
01 "customer.msg"="Program retrieves dealer #101" 02 "customer.menu"="Dealer" 03 "customer.valid"="Customer %1 is valid" 04 "customer.notfound"="Customer was not found"