Example: (in custform.per)

This example shows how to define a combobox in a text-based form specification file (custform.per).

Form custform.per:
18 LAYOUT (TEXT="Customer")
19  GRID
20  {
21   Store #:[f01  ]       Name:[f02                 ]
22   Address:[f03                 ]
23           [f04                 ]
24      City:[f05             ]State:[f6  ]Zip:[f07   ] 
25   Contact:[f08                           ]
26     Phone:[f09                ]       
27  }   
28  END
29 END
30 TABLES   
31   customer 
32 END
34 EDIT f01=customer.store_num,
35   REQUIRED, COMMENT="This is the co-op store number";
36 EDIT f02=customer.store_name;
37 EDIT f03=customer.addr;
38 EDIT f04=customer.addr2;
39 EDIT f05=customer.city;
40 COMBOBOX f6=customer.state,
41   REQUIRED, ITEMS = ("IL", "IA", "WI");
41 EDIT f07=customer.zip_code;
42 EDIT f08=customer.contact_name;
43 EDIT f09=customer.phone;
43 END