Tutorial Chapter 1: Overview |
The following SQL statements create the tables for the custdemo database.
These statements are in the file custdemo.sql in the Tutorial subdirectory of the documentation.
create table customer( store_num integer not null, store_name char(20) not null, addr char(20), addr2 char(20), city char(15), state char(2), zip_code char(5), contact_name char(30), phone char(18), primary key (store_num) ); create table orders( order_num integer not null, order_date date not null, store_num integer not null, fac_code char(3), ship_instr char(10), promo char(1) not null, primary key (order_num) ); create table factory( fac_code char(3) not null, fac_name char(15) not null, primary key (fac_code) ); create table stock( stock_num integer not null, fac_code char(3) not null, description char(15) not null, reg_price decimal(8,2) not null, promo_price decimal(8,2), price_updated date, unit char(4) not null, primary key (stock_num) ); create table items( order_num integer not null, stock_num integer not null, quantity smallint not null, price decimal(8,2) not null, primary key (order_num, stock_num) ); create table state( state_code char(2) not null, state_name char(15) not null, primary key (state_code) );