For testing and development purposes only, the Genero Web Services Server application can be executed directly, without using the Genero Application Server (GAS).
Use the Genero fglrun command to execute the GWS Server application, which must reside on the same machine:
fglrun <gws application>
This will start the GWS Server on the port specified by the FGLAPPSERVER environment variable. If this environment variable is not set for the user, port number 80 is used. For example, if FGLAPPSERVER is set to 8090, the server will be started on that port.
Obtain the WSDL information for your Service and write a test Client application. If the GWS Server in step 1 was started on your local machine, for example, the command to get the WSDL information would be:
fglwsdl -o <test-client> http://localhost:8090/<service-name>?WSDL