On Android devices, apps show an action bar.
The Android action bar displays in the top of the screen, with several elements having a specific purpose:
The application title is defined by the TEXT attribute of the main window displayed by the application.
The icon that appears is either the icon set for the app in the packaging, or it is the image specified by the ui.Interface.setImage method. The application icons must be included in the deployment package (.apk) and follow the Android standards (several icon sizes are required).
Figure 1. Android View Control
Actions display in the order of the ON ACTION statements of the current dialog. If a toolbar is defined, the actions defined in the toolbar take priority and list prior to other actions, in the order they are defined in the toolbar.
If an image is available, it is displayed, otherwise the action text is shown. Depending on the space available (space used by the app icon, screen size, orientation, and so on), the number of actions and the device type, Android displays either the icon or the icon and the text of the action.