Explains how to display pictures at runtime.
Application images like photos or variable icons (in list views) are only known at runtime, and will be displayed during program execution. Such images are typically centralized on a server, as BLOBs in a database, or on the file system, as regular files.
For simple files (not URLs), images to be displayed are automatically handled by Genero: the program just needs to specify the name of the file to be displayed.
This section describes programming patterns to handle application images. For a complete description of the mechanisms to provide images to front-ends, see Providing the image resource.
LAYOUT GRID { [img1 ] [ ] [ ] } END END ATTRIBUTES IMAGE img1 = FORMONLY.image_field, AUTOSCALE, ...
DEFINE image_field STRING LET image_field = "local_image_file.png" DISPLAY BY NAME image_field
DEFINE rec RECORD pk INT, name VARCHAR(30), image_field VARCHAR(50) END RECORD INPUT BY NAME rec.* ATTRIBUTES(UNBUFFERED) ON ACTION set_picture LET rec.image_field = "local_image_file.png" ...
LET arr[1].item_icon = "honda_logo.png" LET arr[1].item_desc = "Honda CB600 Hornet (red)" LET arr[2].item_icon = "honda_logo.png" LET arr[2].item_desc = "Honda CB1000r (black)" LET arr[3].item_icon = "ducati_logo.png" LET arr[3].item_desc = "Ducati Diavel Carbon" DISPLAY ARRAY arr TO sr.* ...
Application images managed by a program can be held in a BYTE variable. You need to use this data type to interface with databases storing images in Binary Large OBject (BLOB) columns.
DEFINE pb BYTE LOCATE pb IN FILE -- temp file used ... OPEN FORM f1 FROM "myform" DISPLAY FORM f1 ... SELECT image_col INTO pb FROM mytable WHERE pk = ... DISPLAY pb TO image_field ...
Further, if the image data is modified, without changing the name of the file (i.e., without a new LOCATE IN FILE instruction), the runtime system detects the file modification time, and if needed, re-sends the image data to the front-end. For example, consider the following program flow:
DEFINE pb BYTE LOCATE pb IN FILE -- temp file used ... -- A first SELECT fetches image data from row 345 into the BYTE SELECT image_col INTO pb FROM mytable WHERE pk = 345 -- And displays the BYTE image to a field DISPLAY pb TO image_field -- A second SELECT fetches new image data from row 672 into the BYTE SELECT image_col INTO pb FROM mytable WHERE pk = 672 -- And displays the BYTE image to a field DISPLAY pb TO image_field -- The BYTE file name has not changed, only the image data has changed ...
When executing the application on a mobile device, it is possible to use a front call to choose or take a photo. Those front calls return an opaque file identifier referencing an image in the device photo gallery (or database).
On all mobile platforms, you can directly display the returned opaque file path to an IMAGE form field:
DEFINE path STRING -- Here we use "choosePhoto" front call, could be "takePhoto" CALL ui.Interface.frontCall("mobile", "choosePhoto", [], [path]) DISPLAY path TO ff_image
Consider the path returned by such a front call as an opaque local file identifier, and do not use it as a persistent file name for the picture. For example, if you store such a path name in a database, and if the mobile photo gallery storage technology changes, the stored file names will no longer be valid.
CONSTANT vm_fn = "mypic.tmp" DEFINE md_fn STRING, image BYTE CALL ui.Interface.frontCall( "mobile", "choosePhoto", -- could be "takePhoto" [], [md_fn]) CALL fgl_getfile(md_fn,vm_fn) LOCATE image IN FILE vm_fn DISPLAY image TO ff_image UPDATE mytab SET pic = image WHERE ...
CALL fgl_getfile(mobile_path, byte_file) LOCATE byte_var IN FILE byte_file
Let the user take videos or choose videos from the gallery with the takeVideo and chooseVideo front calls.
IMPORT os CONSTANT VM_MOVIES = "./movies" MAIN DEFINE r INTEGER, mb_path STRING, vm_path STRING LET r = os.Path.delete(VM_MOVIES) LET r = os.Path.mkDir(VM_MOVIES) MENU COMMAND "take_video" CALL ui.Interface.Frontcall("mobile", "takeVideo", [], [mb_path]) IF mb_path IS NOT NULL THEN LET vm_path = SFMT("%1/%2", VM_MOVIES, os.Path.baseName(mb_path) ) CALL fgl_getfile(mb_path, vm_path) END IF COMMAND "choose_video" CALL ui.Interface.Frontcall("mobile", "chooseVideo", [], [mb_path]) IF mb_path IS NOT NULL THEN LET vm_path = SFMT("%1/%2", VM_MOVIES, os.Path.baseName(mb_path) ) CALL fgl_getfile(mb_path, vm_path) END IF COMMAND "show_video" IF mb_path IS NOT NULL THEN CALL ui.Interface.Frontcall("standard", "launchURL", [mb_path], []) END IF COMMAND "quit" EXIT MENU END MENU END MAIN