Install GDC on Mac OS X

Procedure for installing GDC on Mac OS X.

  1. Close all applications.
  2. Double-click on the drive image file (dmg). The image file is mounted by Mac Os X.
  3. Double-click on the package file (mpkg). The installation wizard displays.
  4. Press Continue to start the installation. The release notes display.
  5. When you finish examining the release notes, press Continue. The license agreement displays.
  6. When you finish examining the license agreement, press Continue.
  7. To agree to the terms of the software license agreement, press Agree.
  8. To change the install location, press Change Install Location. Once you have selected who to install the software for and where to install the software, press Continue.
  9. Press Install.
  10. Enter your password to access your Administrator privileges and press OK. Administrator rights are needed to install the Genero Desktop Client (GDC) in the Application directory. The files are written, and GDC is installed.
  11. Press Close. The installation is complete.
  12. Unmount the mounted volume. (Drop the mounted icon in the Trash).
  13. Double-click the gdc icon in the Destination Folder (default Applications) to start the GDC.