Pre-install tasks

Before launching the installation program, make sure:
  1. You have a license number and a license key for Genero BDL development or runtime. See License Genero Business Development Language for more details.
  2. You have a valid maintenance contract (for BDL versions 2.20 or higher) and maintenance key. See License Genero Business Development Language for more details.
  3. You are using a supported operating system.
  4. You are connected to the system as a user with sufficient privileges to install the software in the target directory.
  5. Your configuration matches all hardware requirements and software requirements.
  6. You have access to all needed DLLs (PATH) or shared libraries (LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64, SHLIB_PATH, LIBPATH or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH).
  7. You have set the environment variables for the database client software (INFORMIXDIR/INFORMIXC, ORACLE_HOME, DB2DIR, SYBASE, PGDIR, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and so on).
  8. You can use the C compiler if you need to create C Extensions.
Important: Before starting the installation program, make sure that the database client environment variables are set.