Preferences configuration options

Use the Preferences tab to configure paths for icons and font defaults.

The Preferences tab has two sections: Paths and Font overriding.


Changes are not applied until Apply is clicked. To discard changes, click Restore.


The Icon path specifies the default icon for GDC. This is the default icon used for the taskbar, the systray icon (under Windows® systems), the shortcuts, the Terminals, and applications.

Font overriding

The Genero Desktop Client uses fonts inherited from the local operating system by default. Unless otherwise specified, this default font is used for:

  • Applications using native rendering.
  • Applications using Universal Rendering.
  • The GDC monitor.

The Font overriding section allows you to override the default font.

Overrides the default font for GDC with the selected font. This font is used for both the GDC monitor and for all applications rendered by the GDC (native rendering or Universal Rendering).
Use GBC-defined font for Universal Rendering
Instructs the GDC to ignore the default font (inherited by the operating system or set by the Default overriding checkbox) and use the fonts defined by the GBC when displaying applications using Universal Rendering. This setting is ignored by the GDC monitor and by applications using native rendering.
Specifies the default fixed fonts for applications rendered using native rendering when the FONTPITCH=fixed attribute is set. This setting has no impact on applications using Universal Rendering. For more information on fixed fonts, go to FONTPITCH attribute in the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.