Shortcut Management

When in administration mode, you can edit, duplicate, import, export and remove shortcuts.

Starting shortcuts

Shortcuts can be started from the Shortcuts window in the user interface or from the command line.

In the user interface, there are two options for starting a shortcut:
  • Double-click the Shortcut icon in the list.
  • Highlight the shortcut in the list by clicking on it once and then click the Start ! button.

Shortcuts can also be started via the command line:

  • gdc -S <shortcutname> will start the GDC (if needed) and the specified shortcut.
  • gdc myshorcut.gdc will start the GDC (if needed) and the shortcut defined in myshortcut.gdc file. If several shortcuts have been exported, the command starts the last shortcut listed in the GDC export file.

Duplicate shortcuts

To create a copy of a shortcut, select the shortcut and click on the Duplicate... button.

If only one shortcut is selected, a copy is created and the Shortcut Wizard opens, allowing you to modify the new copy.

If several shortcuts are selected, copies are created with unique new names, however the Edit Shortcut wizard is not displayed by default.

Remove shortcuts

To delete a shortcut, select the shortcut and click on the Delete button.

You are asked to confirm the delete. If you answer in the affirmative, the shortcut is removed.

Export shortcuts

Shortcuts can be exported as a .gdc file. A .gdc file is an XML file containing the configuration details for one or more shortcuts. This file can then be used to transfer shortcuts between GDC installations.

To export a shortcut, the GDC monitor must be in admin mode. To start the GDC monitor in admin mode, use the --admin or -a command line option.

To export a collection of shortcuts:
  1. Select one or more shortcuts.
  2. Right-click in the shortcuts list and select Export... from the contextual menu.
  3. Provide a file name in the Choose a new shortcut file dialog.
  4. Click Save. A shortcut file with a .gdc extension is created.
Alternatively, you can export a collection of shortcuts using drag-and-drop:
  1. Select one or more shortcuts. Use the SHIFT or CTRL key to select multiple files.
  2. Drag the selected shortcuts and drop them into a file browser. A .gdc file is created for each shortcut exported.

When exporting shortcuts using drag-and-drop, if the name of the shortcut contains special characters, the export fails if the operating system does not allow the special characters in the file name as GDC will always attempt to create the file using the same name as the shortcut name. For these shortcuts, use the Export... menu method.

Import shortcuts

Shortcuts can be imported from a .gdc file. A .gdc file is an XML file containing the configuration details for one or more shortcuts. This file can then be used to transfer shortcuts between GDC installations.

To import a shortcut, the GDC monitor must be in admin mode. To start the GDC monitor in admin mode, use the --admin or -a command line option.

When importing, if a shortcut exists with the same name as the importing shortcut, the imported shortcut name will include an incrementing number in parenthesis as part of its name.

To import a collection of shortcuts:
  1. Right-click in the shortcuts list and select Import... from the contextual menu.
  2. Select a shortcut file (.gdc) using the Choose a shortcut file dialog.
  3. Click on the Open button. The imported shortcuts appear in the shortcut list.
Alternatively, you can import a collection of shortcuts using drag-and-drop:
  1. Select one or more .gdc shortcut files from the file browser. Use the SHIFT or CTRL key to select multiple files.
  2. Drag the file and drop them into the Shortcuts panel of the GDC monitor. The imported shortcuts appear in the shortcut list.