Form Layout

The Form Layout is a style applied to a GRID that lets the Genero Desktop Client display the content of the section, ignoring the per alignment and so on. Simple fields are bound to their labels using the TITLE attribute.


The GRID section only contains the fields:
GRID (style="flayout")
     [firstname   ]
     [lastname    ]
     [address        ]
     [               ]
     [postcode       ]
     [city           ]
The ATTRIBUTES section defines the TITLEs:
EDIT firstname   = FORMONLY.firstname, TITLE="&First Name:";
EDIT lastname    = FORMONLY.lastname, TITLE="&Last Name:";
TEXTEDIT address = FORMONLY.address, TITLE="&Address:", stretch=y;
EDIT postcode    = FORMONLY.postcode, TITLE="&ZipCode:", PICTURE="#####";
COMBOBOX city    =, TITLE="&City:",
The 4st style file specifies the form layout:
<Style name="Grid.flayout">
  <StyleAttribute name="layoutType" value="form" />

A form will be created, associating fields and their title. The alignment of the titles depends on the platform; if the title contains "&", pressing ALT + the following letter will set the focus on the attached field.