Start the Genero Desktop Client

The method used to start GDC is based on your operating system.

To start the GDC:

  • Under Windows® systems, you can use the shortcut on the Start Menu.
  • Under X11 systems, you can also use the shortcut on the Start Menu, or performing envgdc shell will add the Genero Desktop Client binary directory to your path; you will be able to start with the following command : gdc.
  • Under macOS™ systems, the installer will add GDC to the Applications folder. You can also create a desktop shortcut to launch GDC from the command line. See Create a Genero Desktop Client desktop shortcut on macOS.

By default, GDC will listen for Runtime System connections on port 6400. You can specify the port by starting GDC with the parameter -p.

If the port is not available, GDC will try the next port, continuing until it finds the first available one.

See command line for a list of all command line options.