GDC 3.00 upgrade guide

This section describes differences you may encounter when upgrading to Genero Desktop Client 3.00.

Genero Desktop Client ActiveX (GDCAX) is desupported.

For new development, use the latest Genero web client.

New location for configuration files

Starting with version 3.00, the default location of configuration files has changed. See GDC configuration file directories. Ensure that any administrative tasks relating to the configuration files take account of the new location.

Having users share a GDC configuration file

Starting with version 3.00, the GDC writes its configuration file (config.xml) in the User directory; see GDC configuration file directories for the OS-specific path.

If you have been providing your end users with a shared drive installation of the GDC where multiple users (by default) share the same configuration file, you must act. To have users continue to share a common configuration file, use the --config option to specify the shared file. See Apply an additional configuration file.

Default images no longer in /pics directory

Starting with version 3.00, the /pics directory no longer exists in the GDC installation path. If you were using the default images from the /pics directory and you are still using Genero 2.5x, the images will not display. Genero 2.5x does not centralize default images on the runtime side. For further information, see the 3.00 upgrade topics in the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.

Shift-F10 no longer can be an accelerator

Shift-F10 is the standard Windows® shortcut to open a contextual menu. With the upgrade to Qt 5.5, it can no longer be used as an action accelerator. If you set an action with acceleratorName="Shift-F10", pressing these keys now opens the contextual menu.