Command line options

The command line options of the Genero Desktop Client, organized by category.

Table 1. Genero Desktop Client command line options: Information.

This table presents Genero Desktop Client command line options. Some options share the same attribute and description - these options are interchangeable.

Option Parameter Description
-h   Displays About Box and exits.
-c   Defines an additional configuration file. See Apply an additional configuration file.
Table 2. Genero Desktop Client command line options: Network, System.

This table presents Genero Desktop Client command line options. Some options share the same attribute and description - these options are interchangeable.

Option Parameter Description
-n   Starts a new instance of Genero Desktop Client.
-p new_port Genero Desktop Client will listen on the first available port starting with new_port.
Important: If an instance is already running, -p has no effect if -n is not specified.
-q   If the expected port (either 6400, or port specified by --port) is not available, Genero Desktop Client will stop (exit with -1).
-D   Starts Genero Desktop Client in debug Mode (debug Tree and debug Console are active)
-A security level Sets Genero Desktop Client's security level regarding the Runtime System's connection.
--listen ANY|LOCALHOST|NONE|AUTO Specify the network listening mode of the Genero Desktop Client.

ANY: Listen to any network for a new connection (old behavior)

LOCALHOST: Listen to localhost only, DVM must be on the same host as Genero Desktop Client or must be on a host connected with port forwarding

NONE: No listening at all. Only HTTP connection will work, this is the most secure operating mode.

AUTO: Like LOCALHOST, but Genero Desktop Client will switch back to ANY when a regular direct shortcut (without port fowarding) is used, to allow a connection from outside. The Genero Desktop Client will switch back to LOCALHOST when no more connections and no more terminals are active, after a two minutes timeout.

Important: AUTO is the default, which means connections from the outside that are launched without using the shortcut system will not work anymore.
Table 3. Genero Desktop Client command line options: Start Application.

This table presents Genero Desktop Client command line options. Some options share the same attribute and description - these options are interchangeable.

Option Parameter Description
  .gdc file Starts Genero Desktop Client with the shortcut specified in the .gdc file. If the file contains several shortcuts, it starts with the first alphabetically. See The Shortcut Sysytem.
-S shortcut_name If Genero Desktop Client has not been launched, Genero Desktop Client will start minimized; then, the shortcut named shortcut_name will be started.
-s   If Genero Desktop Client has not been launched, Genero Desktop Client will start minimized, using the information given by -U, -H, -T, -P and -C to connect to a DVM.
-U user name used

The specified user name will be used when a Direct Connection starts.

This option can be used if you share Genero Desktop Client; then each user can create a link to the bin and differentiate the shortcut that will be launched.

-H host name The specified host name will be used when a Direct Connection starts with a defined shortcut (with -S), or starts directly (with -s).
-P password The specified password will be used when a Direct Connection starts with a defined shortcut (with -S), or starts directly (with -s).
-K   The password specified with -P option will be kept in memory and no longer requested.
-C command_line The specified command_line will be used when a Direct Connection starts with a defined shortcut (with -S) or starts directly (with -s).
-T connexion_type Defines which protocol should be used when an application starts with -s. Values can be: TELNET, SSH, SSH2. Default is SSH2.
Note: Default is now SSH2.
-w   Defines whether the terminal window is visible (when --startDirect option is used). The terminal is hidden by default.
-f   If a password is provided with --Password, Genero Desktop Client won't display a login box when starting a shortcut. If you explicitly want the login box to be shown, with password and user pre-entered, use the -f option.
-e   Allows the user to save the password in a persistent way (It will not be asked again, even if Genero Desktop Client is stopped and restarted).
-k Putty Key file (.ppk) Uses the given Putty Key File as authentication method when Direct Connection.
-u Genero application URL Starts the HTTP Genero application given by the URL.
-g remote .gdc file Starts directly the remote .gdc file.
Table 4. Genero Desktop Client command line options: Start Genero Desktop Client.

This table presents Genero Desktop Client command line options. Some options share the same attribute and description - these options are interchangeable.

Option Parameter Description
-a   Starts Genero Desktop Client in admin mode.
-c   Defines an additional configuration file. See Apply an additional configuration file.
-M   Starts Genero Desktop Client minimized.
-i   Genero Desktop Client starts with ignore Stored Settings on.
-X   Closes Genero Desktop Client if there is no longer an application or terminal running.
Table 5. Genero Desktop Client command line options: Logging Mechanism.

This table presents Genero Desktop Client command line options. Some options share the same attribute and description - these options are interchangeable.

Option Parameter Description
-l Log file Starts Genero Desktop Client and replays the given Log File
-L Log file directory Starts Genero Desktop Client and replays all the Log Files inside a givendirectory
-r Log file Starts Genero Desktop Client, records a log, and saves the given Log File.
-t delay By default, replays Log Files at their recording speed. You can change the delay (in milliseconds) between the steps.
A delay that is too small will overcharge Genero Desktop Client. Please consider 100 milliseconds as the smallest acceptable value.

Mac OS X users

The command line can be used in either of the following ways:
  • Start the terminal application (Applications, Utilities) then enter: ./Applications/ command_line. OSX expects the path to be absolute and not relative.
  • Using the following Apple Script: do shell script "./Applications/ command_line"


  • The -S and -s options must be used separately; -S is used to start an existing shortcut, and-s to start an application using the command line.
  • When using -s, you must specify at least the host and the command line. The username and password will be prompted if needed.
  • Even if you're using the -q option, Genero Desktop Client will first check whether another instance is already running. If you really want your Genero Desktop Client instance to stop if the port is not available, use -n and -q together. Using-q alone will stop Genero Desktop Client if the port is not free and not being used by another Genero Desktop Client.