The Connections panel lists applications being handled
by the GDC.
The "Connections"
Panel lists applications that can be handled by GDC. For each application,
it displays:
- Name - The name of the application. This refers to the
text attribute of the UserInterface Node.
- Id - An internal identifier.
- Type - This refers to the way the application is connected:
directly connected to the Runtime
System (direct) or using HTTP protocol via Genero Application
Server (http).
- Date - An indication when the application was started.
Figure 1. Connections panel
Switch to / Close Buttons
you click on the Switch to button, the selected application
will be raised to the top, and the focus will be set on the current
window. This will allow you to find your application easily if a lot
of programs are launched.
If you want to stop applications,
you can select them and click on the Close button. This will
send the information to the Runtime System and
the application will be stopped by GDC. Close All will close
all running applications.
Important: GDC will first
send a close request to the runtime system, which may be interpreted
differently depending on your 4GL application settings (see OPTIONS
ON CLOSE APPLICATION in the runtime system documentation),
and will close the network connection after a given delay if the Runtime
System does not react.