Direct Connection Shortcuts

Details and examples of direct connection shortcuts.

In this mode, the Runtime System is directly connected to the GDC using TCP/IP network.

The first step is to specify :

Within the command line, you can use the following tags:

Table 1. Tags for use at the command line
Tag Replaced by
@FGL FGLSERVER=<IP Address>:<serv num> export FGLSERVER; FGLGUI=1; export FGLGUI
Table 2. You can use one of the @FGL variants depending on your system
Tag Replaced by
@FGLNT set FGLSERVER=<IP Address>:<serv num>&&set FGLGUI=1
@FGLCSH setenv FGLSERVER "<IP Address>:<serv num>";setenv FGLGUI 1
@FGLKSH FGLSERVER="<IP Address>:<serv num>";export FGLSERVER;FGLGUI=1;export FGLGUI
@SRVNUM <GDC listening port - 6400 (The second part of FGLSERVER)>
@PORT <GDC listening port>
@USR <Client current user name>
@LUSR <Client current user name, lower case version>
@USER <User name on the remote system>
@IP <IP address of the client computer>
@COMPUTER <Machine host name>
@4GLSRVVER <GDC version>

These tags will automatically be replaced when the command is sent to the Runtime System host.

Additional environment variables may be set when using @FGL tags ; these variables are needed to manage connection checks.

To start your program on the Runtime System host, GDC will connect to the host using either telnet, SSH or SSH2. You can specify an alternative port, if your configuration needs it. Using SSH, tunneling can be established to secure your connection.

Note: This connection mode is only used when GDC connects to the host to start the application. Currently, the communication between the Runtime System and GDC does not use telnet, SSH, or SSH2.

If Show Terminal Utility is checked, the window of FGLTTY, our Emulation Terminal Utility, will be visible. (Please refer to the Terminals Section). This could help you check whether your command line is valid..

The Backspace key sends Control-H option modifies the sequence sent by the backspace key in FGLTTY. By default, Control-?(127) is used but you may change it to Control-H. This will allow you, for instance, to use the backspace key in dbaccess.

The Start command in a new shell option allows you to start a regular shell session before executing the remote host command. Note that this option is mandatory when using automatic port forwarding.

On the next screen, there is a method to import your own login form, using a .ui file (Qt designer's file format). See Customizing your own login form. You have the ability to force the login form to always be displayed on top, by checking the option Always On Top.

The same screen also allows you to select your authentication method:
The next window allows you to specify connection strings. This table is used to tell GDC what to do when the Runtime System host displays a given string on the terminal. GDC can perform the following actions:

You can specify whether each string should be recognized only once or every time (check only once). Also, when ignore remaining terminal strings is checked, all the following strings are ignored.

The default terminal strings should be suitable in most of the cases, but you may have to adapt them to your system. For instance, the default string to send the command is last login: which may be different on your server.


Table 3. Connection string examples
Recognized string Description Action performed by GDC
password: This is the string used by the telnet daemon to ask for the password. Sends the password
last login: This is the string used by the telnet daemon to tell the user he has logged in successfully. Sends the command
login: This is the string displayed by the telnet daemon when the login has failed Displays a message "Authentication has failed"

Please contact your System administrator if the default values are not appropriate.

The last screen let you configure fgltty options.

In 2.30.x, all these options are inherited from PuTTY. If you need more details on these options, please consult the PuTTY documentation.