End users can now add their own words to the Textedit / Spell Checker
End users can now add their own words to the dictionary when using
spell checking.
- Words are not added to the dictionary file itself; a custom words
file will be created in %GDCDIR%/etc (named custom_xxx.dic where xxx
is the original dic file). The current user must have write access
to %GDCDIR%/etc directory. You can remove (or edit) this file to remove
(or change) the custom word list.
- Dictionary loading has been reviewed: in 2.2x, each TextEdit loaded
its own spell checker. Spell checkers are now shared between TextEdits
during the GDC life time, which means that once a spell checker is
loaded, it can be immediately used by another textedit without the
delay due to loading. A dictionary is identified by the pair dic file
/ affix file.