launchurl frontCall signature

"launchurl" frontCall signature has the same signature in the Genero Web Client (GWC) and in the Genero Desktop Client (GDC)

In 2.20, GWC was able to manage a parameter which was not handled by GDC. This forced you to write code like:
IF ui.Interface.getFrontEndName() == "GWC" THEN
  CALL ui.interface.frontCall("standard","launchurl",[url, mode],[ret])
  --GDC does not support "mode"
  CALL ui.interface.frontCall("standard","launchurl",[url],[ret]) 
Now GDC silently ignores the parameter so you can use the same code with both front-ends:
CALL ui.interface.frontCall("standard","launchurl",[url, mode],[ret])