Add a custom color picker widget

This procedure shows you how to add a custom color picker widget to your customization. This custom widget will allow users to select colors visually in an EDIT widget defined with a colorpicker style.

What is the custom color picker widget?

Starting with GBC 5.00.10, a customization example extends the class FieldWidgetBase to create a custom color picker widget. The color picker customization example can be found in the gbc-project-dir/customization/colorpicker directory.

The color picker widget has two modes of operation:
  1. Interactive mode (EDIT widget in an INPUT ARRAY or CONSTRUCT ARRAY):
    • The widget displays a circular color preview that represents the current color.
      Figure: Color picker with selected color

      Images shows color picker widget with a selected color
    • When the user clicks on the circle, a color wheel is displayed, allowing the user to select a new color by clicking on any color on the wheel.
      Figure: Color picker with color wheel

      Image shows color picker widget with color wheel
  2. Read-only mode (NOENTRY attribute is set on an edit field or when the color picker is used in a DISPLAY ARRAY):
    • The widget displays only the circular color preview without any interaction.
      Figure: Color picker widget in read-only mode

      Images shows color picker widget in read-only mode

To use the color picker widget, set the "colorpicker" style attribute on an EDIT form item type field in your form file. In your Genero application, you retrieve the value from the color picker in the same way you would from any edit widget.

Examine the provided examples

Locate the customization directory gbc-project-dir/customization/colorpicker.

In this directory, you will find the following files:

  • In /customization/colorpicker/js:
    • ColorPickerWidget.tpl.html (color picker widget template file)
    • ColorPickerWidget.tpl.js (color picker widget JavaScript file)
  • In /customization/colorpicker/sass:
    • ColorPickerWidget.scss (color picker widget style sheet)
    • customization.scss ( includes the import statement for ColorPickerWidget)
  • In /customization/colorpicker/resources/img:
    • text-color.png (color picker image file)
  • In /customization/colorpicker/resources/lib:
    • tinycolorpicker.js (called from ColorPickerWidget.tpl.js)
  • In /customization/colorpicker:
    • config.json (includes compilation instructions for tinycolorpicker.js)

You can read through each of these files to see how the class FieldWidgetBase was extended to create a custom color picker widget.

Add this color picker widget to an existing customizaton

If you want to include this custom color picker widget in an existing customization, follow these steps.

  1. Copy the contents of /customization/colorpicker/js to customization-project-dir/js.
  2. Copy /customization/colorpicker/sass/ColorPickerWidget.scss to customization-project-dir/sass.
  3. If your /customization/colorpicker/sass folder includes a customization.scss file, update the file to include the import statement:
    @import "ColorPickerWidget";

    Otherwise, copy /customization/colorpicker/sass/customization.scss to customization-project-dir/sass.

  4. Copy /customization/colorpicker/resources/img/text-color.png to customization-project-dir/resources/img.
  5. Copy /customization/colorpicker/resources/lib/tinycolorpicker.js to customization-project-dir/resources/lib.
  6. In /customization/colorpicker/config.json, add the following:
    "compile": {
      "libraries": {
        "tinycolorpicker.js": "customization/colorpicker/resources/lib/tinycolorpicker.js"
  7. Save your changes and rebuild your customization using gbc build:
    $ gbc build --customization customization-project-dir

The customization now includes the color picker widget. To test, you must have an application where a form includes an EDIT form item with its style set to "colorpicker". For an example of such an application, go to Test the custom color picker widget.