Date edit specific variables


Margin ratio for the DateEdit widget

Type: number

Default value: $theme-margin-ratio

Computed value: 0.6


Field height ratio for the DateEdit widget

Type: size

Default value: $theme-field-height-ratio

Computed value: 0.7


Font size ratio for the dateedit widget

Type: number

Default value: $theme-font-size-ratio

Computed value: 0.8


Icon color for the DateEdit widget button

Type: color

Default value: $theme-secondary-color

Computed value: #212121


Defines the (faded) color of the Pikaday calendar disabled days defined in the presentation style attribute 'daysOff'

Type: color

Default value: $theme-secondary-faded-color

Computed value: rgba(33, 33, 33, 0.54)