GBC 4.01.11 new features and upgrade notes

A summary of new features and changes in functionality introduced with Genero Browser Client (GBC) 4.01.11. Note the changes you may need to make when moving to this version of the GBC.


This version of GBC is desupported, use a more recent version of the product.


This page covers only those new features introduced with the Genero Browser Client version specified in the page title. Check prior new features pages if you migrate from an earlier version.

For a detailed list of GBC 4.01.11 changes, please refer to the list of fixes on our issue tracker.

Previous new features page: GBC 4.01.10 new features and upgrade notes

How space distributes when a grid stretches has changed

Prior to GDC 4.01.11, the algorithm that spaced items when a grid was expanded could result in undesired space around certain widgets.

Starting with GDC 4.01.11, the algorithm changed to remedy this issue and more closely align with the default behavior of the former native mode of the Genero Desktop Client (GDC).

Table scrolling has improved

Table scrolling has improved, especially for tables containing many columns.

Enable browsermultipage style attribute from URL

You can use the browsermultipage query string parameter to start an application with browserMultiPage style attribute enabled. This allows you to enable or disable the behavior without having to modify the application's style file (.4st), which can be convenient for testing.

For example, to enable the behavior:


To view a list of query string parameters, see Query string parameters.