Change footer text
This procedure shows you how to change a footer using a front call.
About this task
To implement this footer change requires you to:
- add a JavaScript function to the JavaScript module that implements your GBC custom front call functions
- extend the MainContainerWidget where the footer is defined
- create a form to apply the customization
This customization can be used to display information in the header or footer such as the name of the logged-in user, databases user is logged in to, and so on.
Before you begin
You must have a project directory which contains the following
.js and .tpl.html files in customization-project-dir/js:
- MyMainContainerWidget.tpl.html
- MyMainContainerWidget.tpl.js
In the gbc-project-dir/customization/customization-project-dir/js directory, add a js file called
myFrontCallModule.js or add the functions contained in
method to your existing module:
In this example the customization is defined in the// in myFrontCallModule.js "use strict"; modulum('FrontCallService.modules.myfcmodule', ['FrontCallService'], function(context, cls) { context.FrontCallService.modules.myfcmodule = { myCustomSyncFunction: function (name) { if (name === undefined) { this.parametersError(); return; } if (name.length === 0) { this.runtimeError("name shouldn't be empty"); return; } return ["Hello " + name + " !"]; }, replace_html: function (id, value) { document.getElementById(id).innerHTML=value; //return; return ["0"]; }, myCustomAsyncFunction: function (name) { if (name === undefined) { this.parametersError(); return; } if (name.length === 0) { this.runtimeError("name shouldn't be empty"); return; } window.setTimeout(function () { this.setReturnValues(["After 5s, Hello " + name + " !"]); }.bind(this), 5000); } }; } );
function. This function is called by the front call. It has two parameters: the id is the identifier of theDIV
element where the footer is added, and the text (value) to display in the footer is provided in the second parameter.
Edit MyMainContainerWidget.js.
Open gbc-project-dir/customization/customization-project-dir/js
with a text editor. -
Remove the existing code. Your file should resemble the code in the
following example.
"use strict"; modulum('MyMainContainerWidget', ['MainContainerWidget', 'WidgetFactory'], function(context, cls) { /** * @class MyMainContainerWidget * @memberOf classes * @extends classes.MainContainerWidget */ cls.MyMainContainerWidget = context.oo.Class(cls.MainContainerWidget, function($super) { return /** @lends classes.MyMainContainerWidget.prototype */ { __name: "MyMainContainerWidget", }; }); /* * This is a sample widget that would replace the default one in GBC * To activate it, please uncomment the line below. This will override * the original widget registration to this one. */ cls.WidgetFactory.registerBuilder('MainContainer', cls.MyMainContainerWidget); });
- Save your changes.
Open gbc-project-dir/customization/customization-project-dir/js
Edit MyMainContainerWidget.tpl.html.
Open gbc-project-dir/customization/customization-project-dir/js
with a text editor. -
Modify the code to explicitly illustrate the main container elements.
Your file should resemble the code in the following example.
<div> <!-- GBC will be rendered in this div --> <div class="containerElement"></div> <footer> Place your footer here <div id="gbc_cust_username">User Name will go here</div> </footer> </div>
- Save your changes.
Open gbc-project-dir/customization/customization-project-dir/js
Save your changes and rebuild your customization using
gbc build
gbc build
--customization customization-project-dir -
In your Genero BDL app, create a simple form for the user to enter text.
Your file should resemble the code in the following example.
LAYOUT (TEXT="Replace HTML") GRID { Text to go into footer [f01 ][b01 ] } END END ATTRIBUTES f01 = formonly.txt, SCROLL; BUTTON b01: replace, TEXT="Replace";
- Save your file as replace_html.per
- Compile your form.
Your file should resemble the code in the following example.
View the changes by opening the app with a front call command to call the
replace_html function.
In this example, the replace_html form is opened. The front call to theMAIN DEFINE txt STRING DEFINE result INTEGER OPTIONS INPUT WRAP OPTIONS FIELD ORDER FORM OPEN WINDOW w WITH FORM "replace_html" INPUT BY NAME txt ATTRIBUTES(UNBUFFERED, ACCEPT=FALSE) ON ACTION replace CALL ui.Interface.frontCall("myfcmodule","replace_html",["gbc_cust_username",txt], result) # do something END INPUT END MAIN
function is made when the user clicks the Replace button after inputting text. In the call toui.Interface.frontCall()
specifies the id of theDIV
element where the footer is added and the text to add.Figure: Footer text changed