Change the version customization suffix

This procedure shows you how to set the suffix to a value of your own choosing.

About this task

When you package and deploy a customized version of the Genero Browser Client (GBC), a suffix is appended to the version number. You can use this suffix to set additional information to help identify the version of the GBC. The suffix appears in:

  • The version number displayed in the Settings dialog of the GBC interface.
  • The name of the GBC runtime package created for the customization.

Before you begin

You must have a customization directory, gbc-project-dir/customization/customization-project-dir with a config.json file. If the file does not exist, create it.


You can use a copy of the config.json file provided in the sample customization folder as a starting point.

  1. Open gbc-project-dir/customization/customization-project-dir/config.json in a text editor.
  2. Define customizationSuffix in the root object of the config.json file of your customization, as in this example:
        "customizationSuffix" : "mySuffix",
        "themes": [{
          "name": "default",
          "title": "Default",
          "uses": ["platform/desktop", "common"]
        ... additional themes would be listed here ...

With customizationSuffix set to mySuffix:

  • The version information now displays as Version 5.00.xx.mySuffix, where xx represents the build number.
  • The GBC runtime package (created with the gbc build option --create-zip) now has the name is:, where xx represents the build number and yyyyyyyyyyy represents the build timestamp.