Customizing GBC images
There are several methods for using images in GBC customizations.
Images for the customization are typically stored in the customization-project-dir/resources/img directory. To include images in your customization, add them to this directory and reference them in your code.
You can then add images using the following files:
- The style sheet (.scss) file. For example, to use the
text-color.png file as your background image:
background: url('$$RES/img/text-color.png')
variable allows the GBC build process to set the correct path for the resources in your distribution.For further details, see Customizing your application using style sheets and Widget scss file.
- The template (.tpl.html) file of the widget. This is particularly useful
for a fixed image, such as a company logo, for
<img class="logo" src="./resources/img/company_logo.png"/>
For further details, see Customizing your application using widgets and Widget template file. For an example, see Add header image.
- The JavaScript (.js) file of the widget. This is particularly useful for a
variable image, such as one that is dependent on a value from a widget, for
For further details, see Customizing your application using widgets and Widget JavaScript file. For an example, see Change file loading icon.
The following images are special cases:
- The favicon and emptytabbed images are hard coded into the gbc-project-dir/src/index.html file. To update the image, you need to replace that named file. See Customizing your application by replacing an image.
- Icons for the checkbox, combobox, radio group, and table widgets are set using theme variables. See Change icons.