GBC 5.00.01 new features and upgrade notes

A summary of new features and changes in functionality introduced with Genero Browser Client (GBC) 5.00.01. Note the changes you may need to make when moving to this version of the GBC.


This version of GBC is desupported, use a more recent version of the product.


This page covers only those new features introduced with the Genero Browser Client version specified in the page title. Check prior new features pages if you migrate from an earlier version.

For a detailed list of GBC 5.00.01 changes, please refer to the list of fixes on our issue tracker.

Previous new features page: GBC 5.00.00 new features and upgrade notes.

Image column support for flipped tables

For a TABLE with the FLIPPED attribute defined, the setting of the rowAspect presentation style influences how the content of IMAGECOLUMNs are displayed when the table is flipped.

If the table is flipped, the rowAspect presentation style is set to "list", and first column in the table sets the IMAGECOLUMN attribute, then that image will be rendered in front of all the flipped columns as a thumbnail rather than in the same cell as the column value.

Figure: Flipped table with rowAspect="list"

Screen shot showing result of flipped table with rowAspect equal to list.

If the table is flipped and the rowAspect presentation style is not set (or not set to "list"), each IMAGECOLUMN image will be rendered in the same cell as the column where the IMAGECOLUMN attribute is defined, just as it does when a table is not flipped.

Figure: Flipped table without rowAspect=list

Screen shot of flipped table when rowAspect is not set to list or simply not set.

With the addition of IMAGECOLUMN support for flipped tables, the resulting table behavior more closely matches the behavior of the deprecated listView table style.

For more information on flipped tables or the rowAspect presentation style, refer to the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.

Rework of the table layout may affect existing customizations

There has been rework on the layout of a table row that may have impact on customizations; for example, to solve the issue of the ROWBOUND action button overlaying row data or row widgets.

While no changes are required in your Genero source modules or form files, if you have created customizations that affect table layouting, you should verify the customizations continue to work as expected when upgrading to this version.

Default theme (dark or light) defined by browser

For users who have not explicitly chosen a dark theme or a light theme, the GBC will default to the browser preference.

Keyboard management

There has been a major rework on how keyboard management is implememted. Where before each widget managed keyboard input, such as keyUp, keyDown, mouseClick events, and so on, via its own js event, these inputs are now managed in a global way in GBC. Keyboard input and before input events are now implemented through the InputApplicationService class for all widgets. Actions set by the attributes, picture, format, maxlength, autonext, date/time and SpinEdit validation, and dialogtouched actions are all managed through InputApplicationService.

There are improvements to the overall performance of keyboard input when dialogtouched is triggered in widgets:
  • DateEdit, DateTimeEdit,TimeEdit, SpinEdit: dialogtouched is only fired when entering the field and no longer when pressing left/right arrow (moving in the value text).
  • RadioGroup: a dialogtouched action is fired only if the value is not NULL.
  • ComboBox: a dialogtouched action is fired only if the value is changed and no longer when the field opens the dropdown item list.
  • WebComponent (gICAPI): dialogtouched is not implemented

In Typeahead there are enhancements to prevent some unwanted rollbacks. Only keyboard keys will be saved and replayed. Inputs which are not keys are ignored.