GBC 1.00.58

This page provides information about new features, as well as changes you need to plan for when migrating your customization to this version.

For a detailed list of GBC 1.00.58 changes, please refer to the list of fixes on our issue tracker.

Security update

A more efficient way to filter HTML from VM has been implemented. This prevents malicious code from being injected into GBC by using widgets allowing HTML (with textformat=html).

Theme variables

New theme variables are available:

theme-error-color The text color for the ERROR message. The default value is theme-primary-color. NOTE: The theme-error-background-color theme variable is unchanged.
responsive-small-width The maximum width of small devices. The default value is 576px.
responsive-medium-width The maximum width of medium devices. The default value is 768px.
theme-grid-inner-gutter-x The size of the horizontal inner gutter. If specified, it overwrites the value of theme-grid-inner-gutter.
theme-grid-inner-gutter-y The size of the vertical inner gutter. If specified, it overwrites the value of theme-grid-inner-gutter.

Chromebar changes


A new theme variable, gbc-ChromeBarWidget-visible-items, allows you to customize items in the chromebar. For further information, see Customize the chromebar.

Space taken

Items are now displayed in the chromebar if there is space available. If the title is bigger, there will be less space for chromebar items. Therefore, title length should be considered. If there is any program action in the chromebar, all GBC items are automatically placed in the right sidebar.

Alignment of menu actions styled as popup (MENU STYLE POPUP) have been reworked to keep a coherent vertical alignment between the texts without having to worry about optional icons.

For this purpose, three new theme variables have been added :

gbc-MenuWidget-dropdown-padding-left Menu style popup left padding set inside the dropdown. The default value is 3px.
gbc-MenuWidget-dropdown-padding-right Menu style popup right padding set inside the dropdown. The default value is 12px.
gbc-MenuWidget-dropdown-text-padding-left Menu style popup left padding set to an action text when no icon is defined. It intends to keep a vertical alignment with the text of another action having an icon. The default value is 21px.

You can use a customization to wrap the message (COMMENT attribute) of a menu styled as dialog (MENU STYLE DIALOG). This prevents the modal window from growing larger than the screen.

Add this code to customization.scss:

.gbc_ModalWidget .mt-dialog-content {
	white-space: normal !important;
    text-align: center;


The click/mousedown events in the DateEditWidget are replaced by the manageMouseClick method.

Select files dialog

The Select files dialog includes a close icon.


If you select an item in the completer field or combobox, the focus moves automatically to the next field.