Start in Debug Mode

Use these methods to run a web application in debug mode:

Configure the GAS

Configure the Genero Application Server to run in development mode with the --development flag. This enables debug mode for all launched applications. See Configure development environment in the Genero Application Server User Guide.

Add to URL

Adding the query string parameter debugMode=1 to the URL.

For example: http://localhost:6394/ua/r/HelloWorld?debugMode=1

Tip: Add the query string parameter "debugMode=0" to the URL to execute the application without debug mode. This can be useful when the Genero Application Server runs in development mode (with the --development flag), yet you do not want the app running in debug mode.

Activate in browser

Type gbc.DebugService.activate() in the browser JavaScript console.

The JavaScript console is provided by Web browsers as part of their developer tools. Once activated, the application remains in debug mode until the browser is refreshed.

Warning: Running an application in debug mode may effect the behavior of the GBC in the browser. For example, the prompt that is usually displayed when the user presses the browser's back button is no longer displayed: Are you sure you want to leave this page?