Record a GBC log

With the GBC, you can record a session log to capture the interaction between the front-end and the DVM, with the intent of using that log later to replay the session for debugging purposes, or to provide a demo of the application. A log can also be useful when reporting a support case that otherwise may be hard to describe or not obvious to re-create.

This topic covers the recording of the session log. For details on replaying the session log, see Replay a GBC log.

Starting a session log

To start a session log, include the recordGbcLog query string parameter in the application URL, with the value set to 1. For example: http://localhost:6394/ua/r/gwc-demo?recordGbcLog=1

The application starts in recording mode. All interaction between the front-end and the DVM is recorded, to include the user interaction with the sidebar and any context menus. The window size is also stored in the log.

Be aware of the following:

  • All user local actions are not written to the log, as the user local action does not interact with the DVM.
  • Images and resources are, by default, not taken into account. To record a log that includes the images, you must specify that you want the images included, as covered in the next section of this topic.
  • Browser window resizing at runtime is not taken into account.

See URL reference for more information about query string parameters.

Starting a session log that includes the real images

By default, the placement and the size of any images in the application are shown, but the image itself was not saved to the log file. Instead, a placeholder image - a red square with a red X in the center - is included in the session log to represent the image.

To start a session log that includes the actual images, include both the recordGbcLog and withRealImages query string parameters in the application URL, with the value for both set to 1. For example: http://localhost:6394/ua/r/gwc-demo?recordGbcLog=1&withRealImages=1

The drawback of including the images is the size of the session log that is created, as the images are encoded into base64 in the session log.

See URL reference for more information about query string parameters.

Stop and download a session log

To stop and download a session log:

  1. Click on the "Recording log ..." label in the application title bar. The log will be downloaded for you.
  2. Quit the application. The application end page displays, with a link to "Get the GBC logs". Click on this link to download the session log.

The session log file without images takes the format of: *app_name*-*session_id*.gbclog

A session log file with images takes the format of: *app_name*-*session_id*_realImages.gbclog

See also Replay a GBC log.