Customize the UI

You have identified a customization requirement. Chances are that someone has already gone through the process to implement your customization need, and as a result we have created some procedures to guide you.

You can customize your UI by a number of methods. From simplest to most complex:

  • For a few specific needs, you can simply replace an existing file. For example, to update the favicon image, you overwrite the current gbc_logo.ico file. See Replace an image.
  • You can update the UI by setting theme variables. For example, you can use theme variables to display or hide the sidebar. See Customize theme variables.
  • You may need to edit a style sheet. For example, you can edit a style sheet to display a loading icon in the center of the screen. See Customize style sheets.
  • You may need to edit a widget. For example, you edit a header widget to modify the application header. See Customize using widgets.

IMPORTANT: Use the simplest method possible. If you can complete the customization requirement by setting a theme variable or by editing a widget, then set the theme variable! Editing a widget should be a last resort.