Deploy on GAS

Before you begin

You have created the GBC runtime package for your customization project. See Create a runtime zip.

Change package name (optional)

When the GBC runtime package for the customization is created, the file name takes the format:

You can rename this package to something shorter and easier to manage. In the sections below, the package name is referred to as customization-name.

Deployment options

There are two options for deploying the GBC runtime package:

  • Use your web browser to navigate to the deployment page (typically located at http[s]://server:port>[/gas]/ua/r/admin/DeploymentApp) and upload the file. This option is only available if you have access to the DeploymentApp.

  • If the DeploymentApp is not accessible, you must have console access to the server and a way to transfer the file to the server. When the file is on the server, you execute the following command from the server console to deploy the GBC:

$ gasadmin gbc --deploy

Using the deployed customization

When the GBC is deployed, you can render your application using the following URL:

Or you can set it as the default:

$ gasadmin gbc --default customization-name

The default GBC will be used if no query string parameter is provided, as in this example URL: