
A syntax diagram describes the context-free, abstract grammar of a product function.

A syntax diagram for example describes a language instruction, the structure of a configuration file, or the options of command-line tool.

The following rules are used in a syntax diagram:

  • Invariable syntax elements (keywords) are written in fixed font.
  • Language keywords are in uppercase, like INPUT BY NAME.
  • Variable syntax elements are written in italics.
  • Wildcard characters are used to indicate syntax elements that can either repeat, be mandatory or optional.
Wildcard character Description
[ element ] Square brakets indicate an optional element in the syntax.
[`element1`` *element2* ...`]
{element1` *element2* ...`}
[ ... ] A sign made of square brakets with three dots indicate that the previous element can appear more than once.
[ ,... ] A sign made of square brakets with a comma followed by three dots indicate that the previous element can appear more than once, and must be separated by a comma.

For example, this is the URL for the Genero DeploymentApp:


  • server, port, and gas are variables.
  • [gas] is optional.