class DropDownWidget view source
extends WidgetBase

DropDown widget.


new DropDownWidget(opts : Object)


opts Object instantiation options
opts.appHash number internal app hash
opts.appWidget ApplicationWidget early ApplicationWidget link
opts.auiTag number internal aui tag id
opts.inTable boolean internal is in table
opts.inMatrix boolean internal is in matrix
opts.inFirstTableRow boolean internal
opts.inScrollGrid boolean internal is in a scroll grid
opts.ignoreLayout boolean ignore layout char measurer
Instance members

autoSize : boolean

Flag to indicate if dropdown should size accordingly to its parent element (parent element width aligned) with a maximum allowed height (afterwards dropdown is vertically scrollable) By default no.

isDropDown : boolean

Flags current class as being a dropdown. Can be useful to know if a parent widget is dropdown

maxHeight : number

Maximum height of the dropdown to use if not null.

maxWidth : number

Maximum width of the dropdown to use if not null.

minWidth : number

Minimum width of the dropdown to use if not null.

parentElement : HTMLElement

Parent element to use to measure and position DropDown instead of default one (default one is parent widget element).

renderFunction : function

Custom rendering function to use instead of integrated one to measure and render the dropdown. The function is null by default.

reverseX : boolean

Flag to position dropdown using right-to-left basis (ex: arabic). Take note that to have a full right-to-left mode the parent widget need to be set as reversed using setReverse method By default its left-to-right positioned.

reverseY : boolean

Flag to position dropdown below its corresponding widget or above it. By default its positioned below it.

x : number

Horizontal absolute position. It replace default widget relative positioning if not null.

y : number

Vertical absolute position of the dropdown. It replace default widget relative positioning if not null.

addChildWidget(widget : WidgetBase, options : Object)
[inherits from WidgetGroupBase]

Add a child widget to the widget


widget WidgetBase the widget to add
options Object possible options
options.noDOMInsert boolean won't add child to DOM
options.position number insert position
options.tag string context tag
options.mode string context mode : null|"replace"

addClass(className : string)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Add the given class to element


className string class to add


Add dropdown in DOM and set its position & size

adoptChildWidget(widget : WidgetBase, options : Object)
[inherits from WidgetGroupBase]

Add a child widget which has already a parent to the widget


widget WidgetBase the widget to add
options Object possible options
options.noDOMInsert boolean won't add child to DOM
options.position number insert position
options.ordered string auto order item by unique auiID
options.tag string context tag
options.mode string context mode : null|"replace"


Let dropdown hide on click (if outside of dropdown and widget), scroll events or dragAndDrop events. Setting this method to null will cancel auto hide of the dropdown

[inherits from WidgetBase]

Detach the widget from the dom

emit(type : string, arguments… : any)
[inherits from EventListener]

Emit an event


type string event type to emit
arguments any arguments (excluding type) will be set in

[inherits from WidgetGroupBase]

Remove all children


Explicitly focus dropdown element

getApplicationIdentifier() : (string)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Get the unique identifier of the application


(string) the unique identifier of the application

getApplicationWidget() : (ApplicationWidget)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Get Application Widget related to the widget


(ApplicationWidget) ApplicationWidget

getBackgroundColor() : (string)
[inherits from ColoredWidgetBase]

Returns the background color


(string) a color definition as an RGB function ('rgb(128, 255, 0)')

getBuildParameters() : (Object)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Returns build parameters


(Object) build parameters

getChildren() : (Array)
[inherits from WidgetGroupBase]

Get all children of this widget


(Array) the list of children of this widget group

getClassName() : (string)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Get the main class name of the widget


(string) the main class name

getColor() : (string)
[inherits from ColoredWidgetBase]

Returns the fore color


(string) a color definition as an RGB function ('rgb(128, 255, 0)')

getColorFromStyle() : (string)
[inherits from ColoredWidgetBase]

Returns the fore color (directly from style css)


(string) a color definition as an RGB function ('rgb(128, 255, 0)')

getContainerElement() : (HTMLElement)
[inherits from WidgetGroupBase]

Get the container Element


(HTMLElement) the element

getCurrentChildren() : (WidgetBase)
[inherits from WidgetGroupBase]

Returns current widget (flagged with 'current' class)


(WidgetBase) The current child

getDialogType() : (string)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

return widget current dialog type


(string) values can be : Input, InputArray, Display, DisplayArray or Construct

getElement() : (HTMLElement)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Get the root element of the widget


(HTMLElement) the root element of the widget

getEnd() : (string)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Get end (for reversed mode)


(string) end keyword for rtl

getFontColor() : (string)
[inherits from TextWidgetBase]

Get the font color used by this widget


(string) a CSS font color value

getFontFamily() : (string)
[inherits from TextWidgetBase]

Get the font-family used by this widget


(string) the used font family

getFontSize() : (string)
[inherits from TextWidgetBase]

Get the font-size used by this widget


(string) a CSS font size value

getFontStyle() : (string)
[inherits from TextWidgetBase]

Get the font-style used by this widget


(string) a CSS font style value

getFontWeight() : (string)
[inherits from TextWidgetBase]

Get the font-family used by this widget


(string) a CSS font weight value

getFormWidget() : (FormWidget)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Get the Form Widget related to the widget


(FormWidget) FormWidget

getIndexOfChild(widget : WidgetBase) : (number)
[inherits from WidgetGroupBase]

Get the child widget position


widget WidgetBase the widget


(number) widget position

getLayoutEngine() : (LayoutEngineBase)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Get the widget's layout engine


(LayoutEngineBase) the widget's layout engine

getLayoutInformation() : (LayoutInformation)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Get the widget's layout information


(LayoutInformation) the widget's layout information

getName() : (string)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Get the name of the widget class


(string) the widget class name

getParentWidget() : (WidgetGroupBase)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Get the parent widget


(WidgetGroupBase) the parent widget

getStart() : (string)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Get start (for reversed mode)


(string) start keyword for rtl

getStyle(selector : string, property : string, appliesOnRoot : boolean) : (any)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Get widget style property value


selector string additional sub selector
property string property name
appliesOnRoot boolean true if the returned selector should match the root too.


(any) property value if set, undefined otherwise

getTableWidgetBase() : (TableWidgetBase)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Get the table Widget base class related to the widget


(TableWidgetBase) TableWidgetBase

getTextAlign() : (string)
[inherits from TextWidgetBase]

Get the text-align used by this widget


(string) a text alignment

getTextDecoration() : (string)
[inherits from TextWidgetBase]

Get the text-decoration used by this widget


(string) a CSS text decoration

getTextTransform() : (string)
[inherits from TextWidgetBase]

Get the text-transform used by this widget


(string) a CSS text transform

getTitle() : (string)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Get the title of the widget


(string) the tooltip text

getUniqueIdentifier() : (string)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Get the unique identifier of the widget


(string) the unique identifier of the widget

getUserInterfaceWidget() : (UserInterfaceWidget)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Get the UI widget related to the widget


(UserInterfaceWidget) UserInterfaceWidget

getWindowWidget() : (WindowWidget)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Get the Window Widget related to the widget


(WindowWidget) WindowWidget

hasChildWebComponent() : (boolean)
[inherits from WidgetGroupBase]

returns true if a WebComponent is contained in any sublevel child


(boolean) true if the widget has webcomponent, false otherwise

hasClass(className : string)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Checks if the widget element has the given class


className string class to check

hasFocus() : (boolean)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Check if widget node has focus (class gbc_Focus)


(boolean) true if widget node has focus

hasVMFocus() : (boolean)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Check if widget node has VM focus


(boolean) true if widget node has VM focus


Hide all displayed dropdowns

ignoreLayout() : (boolean)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Does the widget ignore layouting


(boolean) true if the widget ignore all layout.

isChildOf(parent : WidgetBase) : (boolean)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Check if this widget is a child of a given one


parent WidgetBase the reference parent widget


(boolean) true if is a child, false otherwise

isDestroyed() : (boolean)
[inherits from EventListener]

Returns if the node is destroyed


(boolean) true if node is destroyed

isEnabled() : (boolean)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Check if widget is enabled


(boolean) true if the widget allows user interaction, false otherwise.

isFocusable() : (boolean)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Returns if the widget is focusable


(boolean) State of focusable

isHidden() : (boolean)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Check if the widget is hidden


(boolean) true if the widget is hidden, false otherwise

isInMatrix() : (boolean)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Check if the widget is in a matrix


(boolean) true if the widget is in a matrix, false otherwise.

isInTable() : (boolean)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Check if the widget is in a table


(boolean) true if the widget is in a table, false otherwise.

isNoBorder() : (boolean)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Check if the widget is displayed without border


(boolean) true if the widget has no border class, false otherwise

isReversed() : (boolean)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Check if arabic mode is enabled


(boolean) true if enabled

isVisible() : (boolean)

Indicate if dropdown if currently visible or not


(boolean) true if dropdown if currently visible

[inherits from WidgetBase]

Called before setFocus to notify previous focused widget

[inherits from WidgetBase]

Called before setting VM focus to notify previous VM focused widget

removeChildWidget(widget : WidgetBase)
[inherits from WidgetGroupBase]

Remove a child widget from this widget


widget WidgetBase the widget to remove

removeClass(className : string)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Remove the given class from element


className string class to delete

removeContent(content : HTMLElement)

Remove the content of the dropdown


content HTMLElement element to remove from the dropdown


Remove the dropdown from the DOM

[inherits from TextWidgetBase]

Remove both class which cause text-transform


Render the dropdown. Measure its width, height and calculate its top and left position and sets them. By default dropdown will : - take width of its corresponding widget. - be positioned right under the corresponding widget and left aligned with it.

replaceChildWidget(oldWidget : WidgetBase, newWidget : WidgetBase)
[inherits from WidgetGroupBase]

Remove a child widget to use another widget instead


oldWidget WidgetBase the widget to replace
newWidget WidgetBase the widget to add

replaceWith(widget : WidgetBase)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Replace the current widget with a given one


widget WidgetBase the new widget

setBackgroundColor(color : string, notImportant : boolean)
[inherits from ColoredWidgetBase]

Sets the background color


color string a CSS color definition. Can be a color name ('red', 'blue'), an hex code ('#f5d48a') or a color function ('rgb(128, 255, 0)') null restores the default value.
notImportant boolean Set the CSS color definition on the ID whithout '!important'.

setColor(color : string)
[inherits from ColoredWidgetBase]

Set the fore color


color string a CSS color definition. Can be a color name ('red', 'blue'), an hex code ('#f5d48a') or a color function ('rgb(128, 255, 0)'). null restores the default value.

setContent(content : HTMLElement, parentWidget : WidgetBase)

Set content of the dropdown


content HTMLElement element to add in the dropdown
parentWidget WidgetBase if defined, set the widget as parent widget of the dropdown (optional)

setDialogType(dialogType : string)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Set widget current dialog type. Can be Input, Input Array, Display, Display Array or Construct


dialogType string Dialog type

setEnabled(enabled : boolean)

Enable or disable/hide the dropdown.


enabled boolean true if dropdown is active

setFocus(fromMouse : boolean, stayOnSameWidget : boolean)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Called when widget obtains the focus


fromMouse boolean true if focus comes from mouse event
stayOnSameWidget boolean true if we want to set the focus to the current focused widget

setFocusable(focusable : boolean)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Defines if the widget is focusable


focusable boolean State of focusable

setFontColor() : (string)
[inherits from TextWidgetBase]

Set the font color used by this widget


(string) a CSS font color value

setFontFamily(fontFamily : string)
[inherits from TextWidgetBase]

Set the font-family used for this widget


fontFamily string the font family to use. null restores the default value.

setFontSize(size : string)
[inherits from TextWidgetBase]

Set the font-size used for this widget


size string a CSS font size value. null restores the default value.

setFontStyle(style : string)
[inherits from TextWidgetBase]

Set the font-style used for this widget


style string a CSS font style value. null restores the default value.

setFontWeight(weight : string)
[inherits from TextWidgetBase]

Set the font weight used for this widget


weight string a CSS font weight value. null restores the default value.

setHidden(hidden : boolean)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Defines if the widget should be hidden or not


hidden boolean true if the widget is hidden, false otherwise

setNoBorder(noBorder : boolean)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Remove or add borders to the widget


noBorder boolean true if the widget has no border class, false otherwise

setParentWidget(widget : WidgetGroupBase, options : Object)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Defines the parent widget


widget WidgetGroupBase the widget to use as parent
options Object possible options
options.noLayoutInvalidation boolean won't affect parent layout

setReverse(rtl : boolean)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Set Arabic mode


rtl boolean true if widget is right to left

setStyle(selector : string|Object, style : Object)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Updates widget style with new rules


selector string|Object additional sub selector
style Object style properties to set

setTextAlign(align : string)
[inherits from TextWidgetBase]

Set the text-align used for this widget


align string a CSS text alignment. null restores the default value.

[inherits from TextWidgetBase]

Set the text-decoration used for this widget

setTextTransform(transform : string)
[inherits from TextWidgetBase]

Set the text-transform used for this widget


transform string a CSS text transform. null restores the default value.

setTitle(title : string)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Set the title of the widget


title string the tooltip text

show(multiple : boolean)

Show the widget dropdown


multiple boolean if true we do not hide previous displayed dropdowns (ex: sub menus).

toggle(show : boolean) : (boolean)

Toggle dropdown display


show boolean force display if set to true, hide if set to false


(boolean) returns dropdown visibility

toggleClass(className : string, switcher : boolean)
[inherits from WidgetBase]

Toggle the given class to element


className string class to toggle
switcher boolean forced new state

[inherits from WidgetBase]

Translate the widget


Unbind events and listeneners used to auto hide dropdown

when(type : string, handler : Hook, once : boolean) : (HandleRegistration)
[inherits from EventListener]

Registers a handler for this event type


type string event type (e.g. "attribute changed")
handler Hook handler to trigger when the event type is emitted
once boolean if true, will only fire once


(HandleRegistration) a registration handle (for unbind purpose)