GBC 1.00.45

GBC 1.00.45 was released June 5th, 2018

This page provides information about new features, as well as changes you need to take care of when migrating your customization to this version.

New theme variables to define the combobox toggle icon

See Theme variables reference for more details.

DropDown refactoring and improvement

The DropDown component is used in many widgets (DateEdit, DateTimeEdit, ComboBox, Completer, TopMenu, StartMenu, ContextMenu, Menu style popup). It has been reviewed and improved in order to harmonize its usage. Changes are mostly code refactoring, UX improvement, and key management feature. When a dropdown is opened, an invisible layer is added over the screen. A click anywhere else on the screen will only close the dropdown and remove that invisible layer. During dropdown display, you are not able to execute other operations but those contained in the dropdown. For example, you can't switch between windows if a dropdown is displayed. You need to close it first.

Previously a grayed overlay was displayed with dateedit calendar that forced the user to close the calendar using OK/Cancel buttons. This is not the case anymore.

Attribute Status Comment
alignToLeft deleted attribute deleted
renderFunction added new attribute which is null by default. Can be used to define a custom dropdown rendering function instead of default one

Deleted DropDown files

File Comment
DropDownContainerWidget.js class previously used to measure and position dropdown. Code has been reviewed and moved in DropDownWidget.js
DropDownContainerWidget.scss css file previously used to position dropdown parent div container. Code has been reviewed and moved to DropDownWidget.scss
DropDownService.js class previously used to handle multiples dropdown handlers and bound listeners. This process has been simplified and is managed in DropDownWidget.js

Please note that any previous customization done inside of one of these three files need to be updated. For example, if you previously customized dropdown rendering and positioning algorithm in DropDownContainerWidget.js, it needs to be moved to dropdown's new attribute renderingFunction.

Changed variables name

  • Combobox class zmdi-menu-down has been replaced by the generic name : toggle to provide better customization possibilities

Value changed variable

Variable Comment
z-index-DropDown value is 58 by default (previously 57)

New variable

Variable Comment
z-index-Tabbed-Modal value is 57 and is right behind dropdown z-index-DropDown and over toolbars z-index-BarsContainer