GAS 5.00 new features

A summary of new features and changes in functionality introduced with Genero Application Server (GAS) 5.00.


This page covers only those new features introduced with the Genero Application Server (GAS) version specified in the page title. Check prior new features pages if you migrate from an earlier version. Make sure to also read the upgrade guide corresponding to this version.

Corresponding upgrade guide: GAS 5.00 upgrade guide.

Previous new features guide: GAS 4.01 new features.

Table 1. Engine and Architecture
Overview Reference
Introducing the res.ic.server.port resource for the GAS server port. It replaces the resources res.ic.base.port and res.ic.port.offset, which are now desupported. The default GAS server port number is still 6394. See New GAS server port resource: res.ic.server.port
Introducing the TCP_SERVER_PORT element to configure the GAS server port. It replaces the function of the TCP_BASE_PORT and TCP_BASE_OFFSET elements, which are now desupported. See TCP_SERVER_PORT
On Unix-like platforms you can use systemd to manage the GAS dispatchers. You can perform various management tasks, such as starting and stopping the dispatcher, using systemctl commands. Templates for configuring GAS systemd are provided in FGLASDIR/systemd/

The systemd feature is available on Linux® only.

See Systemd service template
There are changes to the log categories as defined in CATEGORIES_FILTER. The log categories are simplified down to these categories: ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and DEBUG. See CATEGORIES_FILTER
There are verbs for service and application in the gasadmin tool.
  • The gasadmin service command has functions for managing web services, such as validating services, and enabling and disabling services.
  • The gasadmin application has functions for managing applications, such as enabling and disabling applications.
See gasadmin tool.
The gasadmin list-sessions verb is added. This provides options for listing sessions, including outputting the list in JSON format. See gasadmin tool
The SEND_VERSION element is added to allow you to configure the header for GAS version. It is set to FALSE by default. See SEND_VERSION
The resource res.http.send.version is added to apply internally the setting for sending the GAS version. It is set to FALSE by default. See SEND_VERSION
The --keep-alive-timeout option is added in the standalone dispatcher, httpdispatch. Once an HTTP request has been processed, the timeout specifies how long the dispatcher will wait for a subsequent HTTP request before closing the connection with the client. Default is 15 seconds. See httpdispatch
Starting at 5.00.02
The gasadmin gar --list-archives command allows an argument with options for listing details of deployed archives. See:
The gasadmin gar --clean-archives command allows an argument with options for cleaning (removing) specified archives. See:
The gasadmin session --list-session-ids option is added to list the identifiers of the sessions running in the GAS. See
The gasadmin session --count-sessions option is added to count the active sessions running in the GAS. See
A new element called SCOPE added to DELEGATE allows you to configure access to a secure web service using the low-level REST API. See SCOPE (for service)
Table 2. Web services and the GAS
Overview Reference
The GAS now supports HTTP/3. If Apache, nginx, or IIS web servers are configured to support HTTP/3, the GAS can support the HTTP/3 protocol. No additional reference.
There are improvements for the management of reverse proxy server, load balancer, and integrated cloud solutions. The GAS supports use of X-Forwarded header X-Forwarded-Prefix. X-Forwarded-Prefix should contain the PathBase (/path/base) of the URI. See:
Support for HTTPS is added in the standalone dispatcher httpdispatch. It can run either in HTTP or in HTTPS. In HTTPS mode the dispatcher is started with the --cert-file and --cert-key options to specify SSL certificates. See httpdispatch
Table 3. Single Sign-On (SSO) and delegation
Overview Reference
Single Sign-on topics are no longer included in the Genero Application Server User Guide. SSO is now documented in a separate manual. See Single Sign-On User Guide.

The new features listed in this topic are available in the latest version of the GAS. Contact your support channel for more details.