Create application configuration files

Create your configuration files.

When using fglgar to deploy applications, configuration files are created automatically for you if you use the --application and/or --service options and provide the names of the executable files (42r or 42m).

Depending on your needs, you may need a specific configuration. For example, you may need to specify the customization project used by the Genero Browser Client (GBC). In this case, create your own configuration files as described in this procedure.

  1. Create configuration files (.xcf) for your applications in your archive directory.
  2. Add the elements that you need, and modify those you need to specify.

    Make sure to set the PATH element to $(res.deployment.path). If your compiled files (forms, modules, and so on) were in the /bin directory of your archive, you would specify the PATH element as shown in the example.

    In this example the configuration file is for a GBC Web application and the GBC element specifies the customization to use. For more information on customization, see the Genero Browser Client User Guide.
    <APPLICATION Parent="defaultwa"
      <!-- Override the default gbc with gbc-custom  -->
         <TIMEOUT> Using="cpn.wa.timeout"</TIMEOUT>
    In this example the configuration file has defined environment variables to specify where the GAS finds application resources, FGLPROFILE file, and the application database. For example, if your resource files (style files, private images, etc.) were in the /resources directory of your archive, you would specify the FGLRESOURCEPATH variable as shown in the example.
    <APPLICATION Parent="defaultwa">
        <ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE Id="FGLPROFILE">$(res.deployment.path)/resources/fglprofile</ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE>
        <ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE Id="DBPATH">$(res.deployment.path)/database</ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE>
What to do next

When you have completed the above steps, your next task is to Create MANIFEST file.