Configure Web applications for third-party portal
What do you need to configure for applications you want to embed in a third-party portal?
One of the ways of deploying Genero applications is using a third-party application portal to embed your Genero Web applications inside the portal functionality. Here the user has a list of applications to choose from. The user can select an application to run (only one application may be active at a time), and the application is rendered in the portal.
Your Genero applications will be executed in the Genero Browser Client (GBC). The GBC uses an inline frame (iframe) that allows it to be embedded within the portal. For more information on how the GBC runs applications within a portal, see Genero Browser Client User Guide.
The configuration you need to render applications in a portal is different to a standard application configuration. It takes the form of a main application and may include sibling applications. Follow the steps to configure your applications for a portal, and see the sample configuration in Embedded Web applications.
Embedded Web applications
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<APPLICATION Parent="defaultgwc" SinglePageApplications="TRUE"
<AUTO_LOGOUT Using="cpn.wa.autologout"/>
<TIMEOUT> Using="cpn.wa.timeout"</TIMEOUT>