Display available alarms
Use the gasadmin command to display a list of available alarms.
To display a list of all available alarms, execute the gasadmin command:
gasadmin monitoring update --list-alarm
A list of alarms
Alarm name, type and description: DVM_CRASH , Count , Reports a DVM crash DVM_NOT_STARTED , Count , Reports when a DVM has not started DVM_NOT_CONNECTED , Count , Reports when a DVM has not connected REQUEST_ERROR , Count , Reports a request error RESPONSE_ERROR , Count , Reports a response error AVG_REQUEST_TIME , Timer , Reports an average request time exceeded AVG_REQUEST_FREQ , Timer , Reports an average request frequency exceeded AVG_DVM_START_TIME , Timer , Reports an average DVM starting time exceeded REAL_REQUEST_TIME , Timer , Reports a request time exceeded REAL_DVM_START_TIME , Timer , Reports a DVM starting time exceeded