Test a GBC client during development

During development, you can create a custom _default file and use a dispatcher override option to have the directory where you place the file searched first.

Before you begin

This procedure assumes you have compiled your customized GBC client and it sits in your GBC project directory (referred to as gbc-project-dir in this procedure.) If your compiled GBC client resides in an alternate directory, adjust the procedure accordingly.

About this task

This procedure is aimed at GBC client developers who need to test their customized GBC client, but do not want to alter existing application configuration files.

To test your your customized GBC client, you first specify the path to the customization root directory using an override when starting the GAS dispatcher, then you append a ?gbc=customization_name query string to the application URL.

Do not use the dispatcher override to affect the GBC client search path in production. This option is only provided to ease your testing during development.


  1. Start the standalone dispatcher using the override (-E) option to specify the path of the customization root directory.
    For example:
    httpdispatch -E res.path.gbc.user=C:\fjs\gbc\4.01.02\dist\customization
  2. Enter the application URL and append the ?gbc=customization_name query string, where customization_name is the name of the customization to be used.
    In this example, a GBC client named "my-gbc" will be used to display the gwc-demo application.
Next steps

To find out which GBC client is being used, click on the Settings icon. In the dialog that opens, the version information is displayed. It contains the GBC version number appended with the customization suffix defined in the GBC customization being used. It also provides the build timestamp of the customization package.

If your application does not load, the issue may be with your customized GBC runtime package. See topics such as Fix configuration issues in the Genero Browser Client User Guide.