GAS 2.40 new features

A summary of new features and changes in functionality introduced with Genero Application Server (GAS) 2.40.


This version of GAS is desupported, use a more recent version of the product.


This page covers only those new features introduced with the Genero Application Server version specified in the page title. Check prior new features pages if you migrate from an earlier version. Make sure to also read the upgrade guide corresponding to this Genero version.

Corresponding upgrade guide: GAS 2.40 upgrade guide.

Table 1. General
Overview Reference
Support to add summary lines on TABLEs defining AGGREGATE form fields for the Genero Web Client. Please see the topic, Features and limitations, in the Genero Application Server 2.40 User Guide.
The Genero Application Server can handle submit parameters with the POST method. See Handling POST Method Submit Parameters in the Genero Application Server 2.40 User Guide.

Performance improvements on the GAS have been made to provide users with a better experience using Genero Web Applications.

  • Less memory consumed for GWC rendering
  • Less data traffic for tables and windows
  • Better stack management in threads
No additional reference.
Table 2. Silverlight theme
Overview Reference
The Silverlight theme layout is improved to closely match the layout proportions (widgets size, widgets redesign after window resizing,etc,) found in Genero Desktop Client. The supporting topic has been removed, as the Silverlight theme is deprecated. Please see the Genero Application Server 2.40 User Guide.
In the Silverlight theme, user preferences are saved in the stored settings and frozen columns for tables are supported The supporting topic has been removed, as the Silverlight theme is deprecated. Please see the Genero Application Server 2.40 User Guide.
In the Silverlight theme, most decoration common style attributes described in the Genero Business Development Language User Guide are supported. Some decoration common style attributes not supported are:
  • border
  • localAccelerators
  • imageCache
  • showAcceleratorInToolTip
The supporting topic has been removed, as the Silverlight theme is deprecated. Please see the Genero Application Server 2.40 User Guide.
In the Silverlight theme, rich text editing is supported for TextEdit fields with textFormat html. An embedded toolbox with classic editing actions (bold, italic, underline, font size, etc.) is provided for text editing.

Text editing limitations compared to GDC / GWC for Ajax
  • No list (ordered or unordered)
  • No text indentation
  • No local action binding
  • xHTML is mandatory
  • New lines in paragraph are replaced by spaces
The supporting topic has been removed, as the Silverlight theme is deprecated. Please see the Genero Application Server 2.40 User Guide.

The Silverlight theme provides a user-friendly file download window.

The supporting topic has been removed, as the Silverlight theme is deprecated. Please see the Genero Application Server 2.40 User Guide.
The Silverlight theme provides support for type ahead inputs. The supporting topic for Silverlight has been removed, as the Silverlight theme is deprecated. See What is the Type Ahead mechanism? in the Genero Application Server 2.40 User Guide.
Table 3. HTML5 theme
Overview Reference
Introduction to the HTML5 theme (preview version) for the Genero Web Client. The DUA_HTML5 output map is provided as a preview set. It is designed to run on modern desktop browsers as well as on mobile browsers.

The next major release of Genero will find the default theme changed to the HTML5 theme. The AJAX theme will be desupported in the subsequent release (the second major release after the current 2.40 release).

The supporting topics have been removed, as the HTML5 theme is deprecated. Please see the Genero Application Server 2.40 User Guide.