Rendering issues
If an application does not render or display as expected, these are some things to do to help resolve it.
- Misalignment
- 4st colors not applied
- Widgets that are rendered when they should not
When you encounter a rendering issue, first try and identify the source of the rendering issue. Find out where it originates from:
The browser
If you have another PC, turn off auto-updates for the browser(s) so that you have an old browser you can use to test your application against.
- Check the AUI tree to verify that node and properties of the user interface screen you are currently working on are loaded properly and that the widgets attributes are correctly set. See Configure for GBC development and troubleshooting
- Use browser developer tools to inspect elements of a GBC application interface to identify the
widgets not rendering correctly. Browser developer tools are accessed by pressing the F12 key. Other
things to check:
- Check that the resource files (.css, .js, and so on) are accessible and not displaying a 404 error message.
- Check that the HTML is properly generated. For example, check whether the color for the edit is set or is missing in the generated page.
GBC customization
Run your program without any GBC customization applied, that is run it using the default styling. If the problem does not occur with the default rendering, then the problem most likely is due to your GBC customization. For more information, see the Genero Browser Client User Guide.
Your application code
Run the demo application delivered by the Genero Application Server and in the Topic tree of the demo directory, navigate to . If a particular widget/container renders correctly in the demo but not in your program, then this is likely due to your 4gl code.