
The DeployGbc program implements a set of command line options for working with Genero Browser Client (GBC) files on a GAS secured by a Genero Identity Provider.


DeployGbc command [ options ] [ args ]  
  1. command. There are six commands to perform actions on GBC on the GAS:
    1. list lists all GBC.
    2. deploy deploys a GBC.
    3. undeploy undeploys a GBC.
    4. default sets GBC as default.
    5. reset resets GBC to the default in the FGLGWS installation.
    6. rename renames a GBC.
  2. options are described in Table 1.
  3. args include the URL of the GAS. Some arguments are specific to commands and these are described in the next paragraphs.

Syntax 1: list/reset GBC

DeployGbc { list | reset } [ options ] url  
  1. options are described in Table 1
  2. url is the GAS base URL

Syntax 2: deploy/undeploy/default/rename GBC

DeployGbc { 
| deploy | undeploy 
| default | rename }
[ options  ] name  url 
  1. options are described in Table 1
  2. name is the GBC file name
  3. url is the GAS base URL
Table 1. DeployGbc options
Option Description

-h  --help

Displays help for the command.

-u, --username username

The HTTP user name.

-p, --password password

The password of the HTTP user.
-t, --token value The access token value.
-f, --tokenfile filename The access token file.
-x, --xml Output result of command in XML format.



The DeployGbc tool is located in your $FGLDIR/web_utilities/services/gip/bin/deploy directory.

The DeployGbc tool allows you to manage Genero Browser Client files at the command line. For instance, you can use this tool to deploy and configure GBC on a remote GAS or using a script.

Use a command with the help option to display available options. For example:

DeployGbc reset --help

See the next paragraphs for examples using DeployGbc.

Get list of deployed GBC

Run this command to list the deployed GBC on a GAS. Mainly, you would use this to check your access is working; that you have an up-to-date access token, and that the GAS URL is reachable.

DeployGbc list --xml --tokenfile mytoken.json GAS_base_URL

  1. The --xml option is specified for the format of the output.
  2. The --tokenfile option needs the path to a filename where the access token got from the IdP is saved. See GetToken for details of getting the access token.
  3. GAS_base_URL is the URL for the Genero Application Server (GAS) where you want to see the list of deployed GBC.

Deploy a GBC file

Run this command to deploy a GBC on a GAS.

DeployGbc deploy -f mytoken.json GAS_base_URL

  1. The -f option (short option for --tokenfile) gives the path to a file name where the access token got from the IdP is saved.
  2. The GBC filename is specified.
  3. GAS_base_URL is the URL for the Genero Application Server (GAS) where you want to deploy the GBC.