Migrate your Genero Identity Provider database

When moving to a new version of the Genero Identity Provider (GIP), you may need to migrate your IDP database.

Complete these steps to migrate your IDP database when instructed by a note in the Upgrade Guide for your current GAS version.

If a migration is required and you attempt to launch the ConsoleApp without completing the migration, you will receive a Genero OpenIDConnect Error with the message "Invalid configuration parameters".

  1. Launch the StarterApp.
    For details on launching the StarterApp, see the Genero Identity Platform StarterApp reference.
    A dialog informs you when an update is required.
    Figure: IDP update dialog

    screen shot of IDP update dialog
    If you launch the StarterApp and do not see an IDP update dialog, then you do not need to migrate your IDP database.
  2. Click Yes to close the dialog and start the migration.
    The StarterApp launches and displays the Upgrade the IDP database form.
    Figure: StarterApp and the Upgrade the IDP database form

  3. First, you upgrade your IDP database. You can continue to use your existing database, or you can select to use a different Genero-supported database engine.
    • To continue using your existing database, simply click Apply IDP database upgrade.
    • To use an alternate database engine, continue to the next step.
    If you kept the existing database engine, you can skip the next step.
  4. To use an alternate Genero-supported database vendor:
    1. Select the database vendor from the Database combobox.
    2. Provide the required information in the fields that display.
    3. Click Check connection to verify that the migration tool can access the database.
    4. Click Apply IDP database upgrade.
  5. Next, you upgrade your user info profile service database. You can continue to use your existing database, or you can select to use a different Genero-supported database engine.
    • To continue using your existing database, simply click Apply Profile database upgrade.
    • To use an alternate database engine, continue to the next step.
    If you kept the existing database, you have completed the upgrade.
  6. To use an alternate Genero-supported database vendor:
    1. Select the database vendor from the Database combobox.
    2. Provide the required information in the fields that display.
    3. Click Check connection to verify that the migration tool can access the database.
    4. Click Apply Profile database upgrade.
    A confirmation message displays. You have completed the upgrade.