Create image and run docker container

Build a docker image with a BDL and GAS installation and run an application in a docker container.

Before you begin:
You must have Docker installed and running. This task uses scripts available from the FourjsGenero docker_debian_fgl_gas GitHub repository. It is assumed you have downloaded the latest version of the repository.
Tip: Refer to the file for the most up-to-date instructions. You will likely need to modify these steps accordingly.
  1. Copy the BDL and GAS installation packages to your working directory.
  2. Create environment variables.
    1. Create an environment variable to set to the BDL installation package. This will be used to copy the Genero BDL package to the image.
      For example:
    2. Create an environment variable to set to the GAS installation package. This will be used to copy the GAS package to the image.
      For example:
    3. Create an environment variable to configure access to the Apache Web server in the GAS configuration.
      Set the value for the host name or the IP address of your host machine. The default is localhost.
      export HOST_HOSTNAME=localhost
    4. Create an environment variable and set it to the Apache Web server port on your host machine.
      The default is 8080.
      export HOST_APACHE_PORT=8080
  3. Build the docker image by running the script.
    A Genero GAS docker image is generated.
  4. Start the docker container by running the script.
  5. Open a browser and type the following URL in the address bar:
    In the pop-up authentication window, enter the user name and password (same for both):
    The demo application launches. You have successfully built a docker image with a GAS and Genero BDL installation and launched an application in a docker container.