List deployed archives

You can list details of all deployed archives or specify the archive or archives with a single command.

Before you begin:

Before you can use the Deployment App, you need to configure and enable the Genero Identity Provider (GIP) on your GAS. You use the StarterApp to perform the installation of the GIP. The Deployment App utilizes the Deployment Service. You must select these components in your GIP configuration at the time of installation.

  1. View the list of applications using the Deployment App.
    The Deployment App application is located at http://host:port/gas/ua/r/admin/DeploymentApp. For details of accessing the deployment app as an authorized user, see the Genero Identity Provider (GIP).
  2. Or alternatively, use the gasadmin command with the appropriate arguments:
    • To list all deployed archives, enter the gasadmin command:
      gasadmin gar --list-archives
    • To list a specific archive or list of archives, enter the gasadmin command and the names of the archives:
      gasadmin gar --list-archives myArchive1 myArchive2

    By default, the results are output in text format. When the console output uses the form of an XML document, it can be easier to parse by other applications than textual output. To output in XML, specify the --xml-output option:

    gasadmin gar --list-archives --xml-output
    The exit status is a 0 (zero) in case of success, 1 in case of error.
    An example of text output for an archive listing:
    Command succeeded.
    2 archive(s) deployed
      Name          : myArchive1
      State         : Enabled
      Description   : This is my first archive
            Static applications:
              - hello-world.xcf
              - prompt.xcf
            2 application(s) found
        Service(s)    : (none)
      Name          : myArchive2
      State         : Disabled
      Description   : This archive has test programs
            Static applications:
              - input-action.xcf
              - startmenu.xcf
            2 application(s) found
            Static services:
              - calculator1.xcf
              - calculator2.xcf
            2 service(s) found
    Where static applications and services are those that belong to the default group of the GAS. The output is intended as a sample, the format may change in future product releases.
    The following is an example of XML output for an archive listing:
    <DEPLOYMENT success="TRUE">
      <ARCHIVE name="myArchive1" enabled="TRUE">
        <DESCRIPTION> This is my first achive </DESCRIPTION>
        <APPLICATION xcf="MyApp1.xcf" />
        <APPLICATION xcf="MyApp2.xcf" />
        <SERVICE xcf="MyServ1.xcf" />
        <SERVICE xcf="MyServ2.xcf" />
      <ARCHIVE name="myArchive2" enabled="TRUE">
        <DESCRIPTION> This is my second archive </DESCRIPTION>
        <APPLICATION xcf="app/MyApp3.xcf" />
        <APPLICATION xcf="app/MyApp4.xcf" />

    The DEPLOYMENT node may contain some MESSAGE or ERROR nodes.