The ImportIdP program

Use the ImportIdP program to register a SAML identity provider.

With the Genero ImportIdP program, you can:
  • Register a new SAML identity provider (IdP) in the GAS for SAML Single sign-on (SSO).
  • Lists all registered IdPs
  • Remove the IdP identified by its URI.
To register a new IdP, you must execute the ImportIdP program with the --import option and the IdP's metadata file or URL. Using a URL can require a proxy configuration in the fglprofile file.

The ImportIdP.4gl source code is provided in $FGLDIR/web_utilities/services/saml/src, and the compiled version is in the bin directory.


fglrun ImportIdP [ options ] { url | file }
  1. options are described in Table 1.
  2. url is the URL of a SAML identity provider.
  3. file is the metadata file of a SAML identity provider.

The ImportIdP tool command line follows the convention of other Genero command line tools for both short and long versions of options.

Table 1. ImportIdP options
Option Description Usage example
-h, --help Display help with the command fglrun ImportIdP -h
-i, --import Import the IdP specified by the URL or metadata file and register it in the database for SAML. See Import option usage example.
-l, --list List all registered IdPs in the database. fglrun ImportIdP -l
-r, --remove Remove the registered entry for the specified IdP from the database. fglrun ImportIdP -r http[s]://host:port/saml/jsp/myIdPMetadata.jsp
-N, --NameIDFormat List IdPs in the database that support a specified name identifier (NameID Format). fglrun ImportIdP -N

Import option usage example

To register a SAML IdP, you must execute the ImportIdP program with the --import option. The command must be run from the $FGLDIR/web_utilities/services/saml/bin directory:
cd $FGLDIR/web_utilities/services/saml/bin
fglrun ImportIdP --import http[s]://host:port/saml/jsp/myIdPMetadata.jsp

Where the IdP metadata file or URL is a mandatory parameter.