OUTPUT (under LOG)

The OUTPUT element specifies where the log messages are sent or written.


  1. The Type attribute specifies whether log message are output to the console or written to a log file, or both. See Table 1.
  2. path specifies the path to the log file.

    If you do not set the path, the default path set by the resource res.log.output.path in the Genero Application Server configuration file (as.xcf) is used. You can access daily log files for a given dispatcher in the appdata/log/dispatcher_name/date directory, where appdata refers to GAS application data directory.

Table 1. Valid values for the Type attribute
Type Output to ... Description
DAILYFILE (Default) Log files (dispatcher, proxy, and vm messages) When DAILYFILE is set for the log output type, log files for dispatcher, proxy, and vm logs are written to disk. New log files are created daily and are stored in a directory named by date in the format YYYYMMDD.

If path is specified, the daily directory is created and stored under its log directory.

If path is not specified, the log files are created in the default log directory.
CONSOLE Standard output (dispatcher, proxy, and vm messages) All messages (dispatcher, proxy, and vm) are sent to standard output (stdout). No log files are generated.
  • Standard output (dispatcher and proxy messages)
  • Log files (dispatcher, proxy, and vm messages)
When DAILYFILE is used in combination with CONSOLE, vm messages can only be output in one direction and are directed to the log file by default.

Dispatcher and proxy log messages are sent to standard output and written to log files, but vm messages are only written to log files; they are not sent to standard output.

Child elements

There are no child elements.


You use this element to specify where log messages are displayed or written.

Output configuration examples

    In this example, the daily log file is written to the default logging directory.
  • <OUTPUT Type="DAILYFILE">$(res.as.dir)/logdirs</OUTPUT>
    In this example, the daily directory is created in $(res.as.dir)/logdirs/log.
  • <OUTPUT Type="CONSOLE"/>
    In this example, log messages are sent to standard output.
    In this example, dispatcher and proxy log messages are sent to standard output and written to log files, but vm messages are only written to log files; they are not sent to standard output.

Parent elements

This element is a child of the LOG element.