UNDEPLOY (for manifest)
element defines a command and program or script used when
undeploying applications deployed in an archive.
This is an optional element of the TRIGGERS
- The unDeployProgramScript program may be a Genero 4GL (.42r or .42m) file or a script file.
Child elements
There are no child elements.
You use this element to specify programs (.42r or .42m) or scripts to execute when undeploying applications on the GAS.
Examples are shown of how to specify the trigger in the MANIFEST file. Triggers can also be set using the fglgar command trigger options at the command line. For an example, go to fglgar with trigger options.
Example UNDEPLOY defined with Genero 4GL program
<TRIGGERS component = 'cpn.gar.execution.local'>
<UNDEPLOY>fglrun myundeploy.42r</UNDEPLOY>
Example UNDEPLOY defined with script
<TRIGGERS component = 'cpn.gar.execution.local'>
When you undeploy an application that has the UNDEPLOY
trigger set, the gasadmin
undeploy command will undeploy the
gar and run the program/script. Even if the program/script fails, the
undeployment of the gar is still carried out.Parent elements
This element is a child of the TRIGGERS (for manifest)