Run a client app on Web service using GBC

After configuring your Web service, you can test it to see if it is configured correctly by starting the Web service and running a client application with it on the standalone GWS. For production, you will use the GAS.

For this quick start, you must have Genero Business Development Language, and Genero Application Server installed. Refer to the Install and License your Genero Products manual for installation guidance.

For the purposes of this quick start, you can run the mycalculator web service you have already configured, see Configure a web service and use the calculator client application available from the GAS demos page, see Access demo applications with the Genero Browser Client, to interact with it.

  1. Start the standalone dispatcher from the command line by typing the command:
  2. To check that the mycalculator web service is reachable, you can retrieve its WSDL. To perform this, enter the address of the Web service application, e.g. http://localhost:6394/ws/r/mycalculator?WSDL, in a browser tab.
  3. To interact with the mycalculator service and show it is working, open another browser tab and enter the address of the demo applications, http://localhost:6394/ua/r/gwc-demo.
  4. In the Topic tree, navigate to WebServices >> Calculator >> Client. Double-click on the demo Calculator Soap 1.2.
    The Web Services URL dialog appears. From the drop down menu select the option (Customize) Click here to add your own URL and provide the URL to your configured web service, for example, http://localhost:6394/ws/r/mycalculator.
  5. In the Web Services URL dialog, click OK.
    You should see a calculator screen and be able to interact with it.