GAS 2.21 new features

A summary of new features and changes in functionality introduced with Genero Application Server (GAS) 2.21.


This version of GAS is desupported, use a more recent version of the product.

Important: This page covers only those new features introduced with the Genero Application Server version specified in the page title. Check prior new features pages if you migrate from an earlier version. Make sure to also read the upgrade guide corresponding to this Genero version.

Corresponding upgrade guide: GAS 2.21 upgrade guide.

Table 1. Backwards compatibility
Overview Reference
GAS 2.21 is compatible with the Genero 2.11 product suite (FGL, GWS). No additional reference.
Table 2. Genero Web Client
Overview Reference

The layout of the AJAX output driver has been enhanced in several ways.

The supporting topic has been removed, as the AJAX theme is desupported. Please see the Genero Application Server 2.21 User Guide.
Picture deployment enhancements
  • The list of file system paths searched for images can be configured according to the user agent type.
  • Pictures that are not found on the GAS file system are requested from the DVM. The ResourceURI has been enhanced to support these requests.
The supporting topic has been removed, as the template path theme is desupported. Please see the Genero Application Server 2.21 User Guide.
Internet Explorer 8 is supported. The supporting topic has been removed as GWC for HTML5v1 is deprecated. Please see the topic, Features / browsers supported, in the Genero Application Server 2.21 User Guide.
The authenticated user and the remote IP address from the client is accessible to the Genero application through environment variables. See Application environment
The list of supported snippet-based rendering engine (SBRE) template paths is accessible through a specific URL.

The supporting topic has been removed, as the template path theme is desupported. Please see the topic, Template Paths Overview, in the Genero Application Server 2.21 User Guide.

The Template Element Identifiers feature provides a means to customize the template element identifier name used to reference elements during the incremental update of the page, according to the target markup language. The supporting topic has been removed, as the template path theme is desupported. Please see the topic,Template Element Identifiers, in the Genero Application Server 2.21 User Guide.

The application/ui/decimalSeparator path gets access to the currently active decimal separator character.

The supporting topic has been removed, as the template path theme is desupported. Please see the topic,Template Paths - Application hierarchy, in the Genero Application Server 2.21 User Guide.
The SpinEdit/minValue and SpinEdit/maxValue paths get access to the corresponding SpinEdit attributes. The supporting topic has been removed, as the template path theme is desupported. Please see the topics:
  • SpinEdit/minValue
  • SpinEdit/maxValue
in the Genero Application Server 2.21 User Guide.
Applications in configuration files support both a short description and a long description. See DESCRIPTION