GAS 2.50 upgrade guide

These topics describe product changes you must be aware of when upgrading to version 2.50.


This version of GAS is desupported, use a more recent version of the product.

Important: This is an incremental upgrade guide that covers only topics related to the Genero Application Server version specified in the page title. Check prior upgrade guides if you migrate from an earlier version, and complete the migration tasks for all versions between your existing version and the target version in order. Make sure to also read about the new features for this version.

Corresponding new features page: GAS 2.50 new features.

  • GWC for HTML5 will be the default rendering for Genero Web Client applications, replacing GWC for AJAX. Any new development should plan to use GWC for HTML5.
  • Customization using CSS has changed to provide a flat design to fit all platforms (desktop, tablet, and smartphone) using the HTML5 theme. All CSS customization is contained within css_customization.css. This should ease both customization and migration between versions of the Genero Application Server. As the HTML5 theme is deprecated, please see the Cascading Style Sheets and HTML5 theme topics in the Genero Application Server 2.50 User Guide.
  • The Genero Administration Application (GAD) is no longer supported.
  • The ForwardDVMStdout attribute for the MAP element is no longer permitted in the configuration file. The DVM output and errors are logged to a separate log file. Remove this attribute from your Genero Application Server configuration file.
  • The CONNECTOR_PREFIX element is no longer valid in the Genero Application Server configuration file. Remove it from your configuration file, if present.
  • The behavior of a simple RUN command has changed.

    Previously, when an child application was launched using a simple RUN command, the child application replaced the main application in the same browser window. Only the child application was visible. When you exited the child application, the main application resumed. Throughout, there was a single browser window.

    With version 2.50, an application launched by a simple RUN command opens a second window (or browser) containing the child application, as it also does for RUN WITHOUT WAITING. The child application runs normally. The main application is frozen, waiting for the child application to terminate. If you attempt to leave or close the main application when a child application is still running, a prompt asks you to confirm that you want to leave.

  • Genero Front Call ActiveX is deprecated.
  • Logging for the Genero Application Server has changed. Logs are created for the dispatchers, the proxies, and the virtual machines. DVM logs are redirected to files when DAILYFILE is set for the log output type.
  • The default location of the Genero Application Server log files has moved. If you set logrotate or another tool to manage your GAS log files, you will need to reset. See GAS installation and application data directories for details on the location of log files.
  • Some Windows directories have restricted permissions. Depending on where the Genero Application Server is installed, you might not have access to log, tmp and sessions directories. These directories are located at C:\ProgramData\FourJs\gas\gas_version where gas_version is the version of the Genero Application Server. You can configure their location by modifying "res.appdata.path" in the Genero Application Server configuration file.